Sunday, December 10, 2006

Russian Gifts and Collectibles

There is something for everyone in Russia. From everyday household items to clothing to replicas of the priceless royal treasures, Russian gifts will meet and exceed every expectation. For history buffs, your Russian gift can be coins and notes from the Tasrist and Soviet eras, military uniforms and equipment, or relics from the Soviet space program.

Some Russian gifts weren’t created just to be sold, they were made to be used by real people. Your oil lamps might be identical to those lighting a Russian farmhouse. Your shirt might match one worn at a Russian wedding. Your coins might have been handled by a prince or a komissar.

Other gifts are products of Russia’s centuries-long tradition of folk art. Lacquered boxes show scenes from Russian life. Matryoska portray families, heroes and popular characters. Shawls are embroidered with the flowers that herald a spring so welcome after a long, hard Russian winter.

Icons, portraits of saints, are gifts inspired by the Russian religious traditions. From miniatures to table displays, they combine deep devotion with the beauty of their art and the stories they depict. Music is integral to Russian life. Their history includes some of the greatest composers, musicians, and dancers in history. From “Swan Lake” to “The 1812 Overture,” the magnificence of Russian music, presented by legendary Russian performers, lifts the spirit and enlivens the soul.

For the most serious collectors or decorators, the gift of Russia can be world-reknowned porcelain china from Lomosonov or replicas of the fabulous Easter Eggs, commissioned as an annual gift from the last tsars to their wives. From the simplest to the most opulent, from the practical to the historical, from a gift to warm the body to one that fires the soul, for any occasion or reason, purchase a gift from Mother Russia.

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